📑 Bookmarklets

Drag this bookmarklet to your bookmark bar or menu. When you visit a page you want to bookmark, click the the bookmarklet in your bookmark bar or menu and it will open a new bookmark window. Existing URLs will open an edit window.

🥖 bookmark Version 1.0.12
Drag me to your bookmarks!

Alternatively, manually create a new bookmark in your Browser bookmark manager and copy/paste the following script into the bookmark URL field.

Or create a Bookmark and set the URL to the above script.

Apple Shortcut

This apple shortcut will let you save safari web pages to breadcrum from the share sheet. Eventually this will be provided by a native app.

Bookmark Add Page API

The bookmarklet simply opens the Bookmark Add page with a few query params populated by client side metadata extraction. This page supports client provided metadata, or an option to request server side extracted metadata. Here are the relavant query params you can use on this page:


https://breadcrum.net/bookmarks/add/?url=https://example.com&title=Example Title
  • url: (Required) A URL you want to bookmark or edit.
  • title: The title to create a non-existing bookmark with.
  • note: The note to create a non-existing bookmark with.
  • tags: The tags to create a non-existing bookmark with. Append multiple tags query strings to apply more than one tag.
  • meta: Set this param to true to request server extracta metadata. Note, any client provided metadata will override the server extracted metadata. This option is slightly slower to create a bookmark.
  • jump: Set this param to close to close the window after successful submit.

A title is required if meta is set to false.